Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My "to do" list just got longer

Have you heard of Pinterest? I've known about it for a while and have done my best to resist it. Well I finally gave in a couple of weeks ago and asked an online friend for an invite. What's Pinterest you ask? It's basically an online bulletin board or idea board. Anything you see on the internet you can "pin" and save for later. One of the other cool things is you can see other people's pins in lots of different categories. That is one thing I have spent time on Pinterest doing... just looking through the craft section for ideas (or school ideas, or decorating ideas, etc) and looking for projects to do. I have found ideas for things that I never knew I needed or wanted or never knew were out there. Now the list of crafts I want to make for myself, my kids or for gifts has grown immensely. Here's a screen shot of a few of my pins in the craft section (there's lots of other sections to pin to)..

Sigh... I better go get started and make something.

Leave me a comment if you want an invite and see what Pinterest is all about.


  1. I've heard of it, never been there. Send mean invite it sounds interesting.

  2. I'm liking it, now that I understand how it works. It's fun! thanks!
