This winter we took a fabulous vacation to the west coast. We flew into LA and then drove the Coastal Highway up to the Monterey Peninsula, stayed there for a few days and then drove back to LA for a couple days and flew home. It was wonderful to escape winter for a week and enjoy the coastal CA weather.
Of course I made an entire album of digital scrapbook layouts from our vacation. Lately have been scrapping mostly in Anna Aspnes artsy style. This layout, however, I did mostly from scratch. I used one overlay from Designer Digitals but that's it. My original inspiration did come from Pinterest (of course). The camera and iPhone icons are from the web; everything else is from photoshop elements.
The font is Bebas Neue. The dots I made with the brush tool in photoshop (hold the shift key down to keep the line straight) and all the icons (except previously mentioned) are in the custom shape tool. I took the photo with my iPhone and used the burn tool on the sky.... that is the only editing I did on the photo.
As an aside... I took all my photos with my iPhone (my husband was the one with the fancy camera) and I loved how my photos turned out and how convenient it was to just take my phone out of my pocket and take pictures and video instead of carrying my point and shoot camera too. I brought my camera and never took it out of the bag.
That's a nice layout. Nice to hear from you.