Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thoughts on the Election

I have strong opinions about politics.  They mostly have to do with people (citizens and representatives) knowing the Constitution (and not allowing our Reps to violate it) and personal responsibility.  It seems as the people of our country want neither knowledge nor personal responsibility.  Oh well, we reap what we sow and we have sown a generation of civically ignorant irresponsible people.

If I were to change on facet of the whole election process (besides ads on TV) I would change the debate process.  There were 10 Presidential candidates on my ballot.  How come I never heard of 7 of them?  I think all the candidates should participate in the debates, at least the ones who are on the ballot in every state. ( I guess Rosanne Barr was running... she wasn't on my ballot).  Each candidate should be in a sound proof booth and each candidate should get a certain amount of time (15 minutes maybe) to share their plan and their vision for our country.  Or each candidate should field questions from the moderator.  Or like the old Lincoln-Douglass debate... the first person should get 30 minutes and then the second person get 60 minutes to reply and the first person get 30 more minutes.  They should not be allowed to attack the other person.  This whole campaign seemed to be more about how many bad things you can say about the other person, rather than "this is my plan and it's good because x, y, z."  But all the candidates should be involved, so that Americans can have a REAL choice.

There are so many more things I could say, but it would end up being a novel.  Soon I will go back to "lighter" topics.  I have been knitting and scrapbooking like crazy.  I should post some pages or knitting projects soon.

1 comment:

  1. I love your idea about presidential debating, great ideas! It's a real shame that it runs the way it does, it's like kindergarten recess the way it's done now. Too bad and very, very sad!

    Yes, please post pics of what you're making, it inspires me!

