Friday, December 10, 2010

it's been a while...

Costco sells nuts in the coolest plastic containers.  In the summer,  I often make a chicken salad which has cashews as one of the ingredients.  So in the summer I buy a lot of cashews.  I could never throw these containers away because I thought I could make something out of them.  Initially I was thinking along the lines of something for the kids to keep treasures in.  (I have one kid who loves to collect all kinds of treasures) Or I could make a game out of them... along the lines of bozo buckets.  Well a more practical idea came along... Christmas gifts.  Except for my own kids, I am giving mostly gift cards this year.  These are going to be filled with tissue and a gift card.  They are easy peasy to make... paper cut to size, spray adhesive and ribbon... that's it.  Two sided paper is nice because you can see the inside too.  The lids are not in the picture, but they are red and I am going to adhere a gift tag to them.


  1. Cool Idea! I have a very hard time throwing those away too. Hey, how much mayo do you add to the chicken salad?

  2. I don't measure the mayo. I just scoop it in until it looks like enough.
