Friday, November 12, 2010

First project

This is a shape book I made for boy #2.  I used my cricut and gypsy; George and PDDU cartridges.  It is plain because it is for a boy.  I am making some for my nieces soon that will be a bit less plain.  Boy #2 colored the pages with crayons that color on black paper.  He was thrilled.


  1. Love the book, which cartridge was that again, I especially love the ship page!

    Also, I love the title of your blog and the background pic!

  2. Paper doll dress up for the ship, treasure chest and skull and crossbones.

    Why am I brave?

  3. Yeah, I have that one, I never would of guessed. Now that you mention it I remember you said that before. THanks!
